Author: Webmaster

By Ephraim Nkonya Eliamani Saburi is one of the founders of TAUS Inc and his story will help you to understand the background of his blessed life of service to the Lord and TAUS’s early history. His family and social life in general is also inspiring. This story covers his childhood, Family life and his role...

Naelijwa which means “I am sanctified” lives a venerated life of service to others just like what Jesus said “For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meat? Luke 22:25 ( KJV). B ut what is the source of Naelijwa’s life of service that...

By Ephraim Nkonya Childhood Every parent of a baby girl has a prayer, a wish and a dream for her/his child to be the sunshine, fountain of blessing, a balm to a hurting world, and the girl that splits impossible into its two parts – “I’m possible.” As Yuster’s mom and daddy expected their baby girl to...

TAUS’ growth reached a stage where it required an elaborate communication and organization system. In 2016, TAUS leaders decided to launch a website and asked Orupa Mbwana to design and serve as administrator. The website was dedicated on May 16th, 2020. During the website dedication, Pastor Mbwana said that the website will be the face...

Introduction Social distancing sounds like a new phenomenon, though it has been there for as long as contagious diseases started ravaging humanity – following Adam and Eve fall into sin. The Moses Law (Torat) had strict rules of isolating the lepers to prevent contagion of the deadly disease. Leviticus 13:45-46 says “The leprous person who has...

By Ephraim Nkonya He is a soft-spoken, tall and gentle giant with a knack of sharing information, caring and innovations. He was raised in the Rocky City of Mwanza by an Adventist mother and a non-Adventist father. He is the first child of five children. During his childhood, he used to play soccer on the famous...

By Ephraim Nkonya Orupa carries a radiant smile that gives you one clear sign right at first sight – she is a pleasant young lady, full of grace and happiness that we read in Philippians 4:4 which urges us to “always rejoice in the Lord.” A resident of Maryland and third generation Adventist and daughter of...

A Three weeks Satellite Net Event, conducted at Chato Geita, Tanzania, with the main speaker Dr. Pr. Carlton Byrd from Breath of Life, has ended with the harvest of  15,556 people for Christ.  The Satellite evangelistic event started on February 15 and ended on March 7, 2020. Being a speaker for two weeks, Dr. Byrd, captured...

Shukrani Magoma – TAUS Secretary General By Ephraim Nkonya Meet Magoma, the man of God Magoma is an accountant at the National Democratic Institute – which supports democratic institutions and practices in the world. Magoma enjoys the mission of his institute of helping other countries enhance democratic reforms and accountability. Just like Simon (Peter) who allowed Jesus to...