Author: Webmaster

Are you a Tanzanian living in the diaspora and looking for diaspora banking services? Over 26,000 Tanzanians have an access to a wide range of products and services curated to simplify their cross-border banking. Get connected easily with Tanzanite Account which gives you endless opportunities to invest, save and transfer money. Visit or click the link...

The TAUS 2024 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship is now open and accepting applications. This scholarship opportunity is open to anyone under the age of 35 that is currently enrolled in any undergraduate degree program in the USA or Canada (or high school graduates that are joining an undergraduate degree program in 2024 in the USA...

The Jason Mtsimbe Memorial Fund Scholarship is now open and accepting applications. This scholarship opportunity is open to anyone that is enrolled in an undergraduate program. Applicants must write an essay demonstrating personal or financial need and show a commitment to community service. The Jason Mtsimbe Memorial Fund is inspired by and dedicated to Jason Mtsimbe...

Join us June 19 - 23, 2024 for our TAUS Annual Retreat at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. This year's theme is "Get out of the boat and walk!" - Matthew 14:29. Early bird registration starts on January 5, 2024 and ends on May 27, 2024. Our guest speaker will be Pastor Enoch Marwa...

The TAUS 2023 Retreat will take place on June 28 - July 2, 2023. The location will be C. A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center, #1 Four H Way, Little Rock, Arkansas. Featured Speaker is Pr. David Mmbaga. This year's theme is "Be Strong & Courageous." For package information, pricing and registration, please visit our registration page....

The TAUS 2023 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship is now open and accepting applications. This scholarship opportunity is open to anyone under the age of 35 that is currently enrolled in any undergraduate degree program in the USA or Canada. The application process opens on May 7, 2023 and closes on June 10, 2023. You can apply...

The Jason Mtsimbe Memorial Fund Scholarship is now open and accepting applications. This scholarship opportunity is open to anyone that is enrolled in an undergraduate program. Applicants must write an essay demonstrating personal or financial need and show a commitment to community service. The application process opens on May 7, 2023 and closes on June 10,...

By: Ephraim Nkonya (TAUS); Dr. Watson Mwaibasa (South-East Tanzania Conference) and Michael Mwasumbi (TAUS)   Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed.” Ellen White, Medical Ministry. Healthcare Access in Southern Tanzania Health services in Tanzania are...

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Psalms 19:1 (NKJV). To Mrina, this verse means a lot in his life as he dreams of going to space. Like Joseph, he is a dreamer, and his dream has influenced his wardrobe and academic pursuits. He shares Konstantin Tsiolkovsky bold aspiration,...