Apply Now For The TAUS 2024 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship

Apply Now For The TAUS 2024 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship

The TAUS 2024 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship is now open and accepting applications. This scholarship opportunity is open to anyone under the age of 35 that is currently enrolled in any undergraduate degree program in the USA or Canada (or high school graduates that are joining an undergraduate degree program in 2024 in the USA or Canada).

This scholarship encourages young people to contribute actively to their community by understanding and promoting the values of TAUS. The essay competition requires applications to delve into the essence of TAUS, outline its three pillars, and propose a youth-centric project that exemplifies at least one of these pillars.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis beginning May 1, 2024 and closes on June 12, 2024. You can apply now at the link below.