
TAUS projects committee conducts an evaluation of the area to work. The evaluation is based on expected impact on the three pillars. The project committee receives recommendations from the church leadership in Tanzania, and makes informed judgment on where TAUS funding is more needed, will have bigger impact and further TAUS's goals. The projects committee recommends...

Non- Tanzanians are welcome to join as associate TAUS members with no voting rights. Anybody could join TAUS as long as he or she supports and agrees with TAUS's mission....

TAUS is led by the executive committee under the leadership of the National President. The executive committee includes the President, Secretary, Treasurer, all Department directors, Chaplain, three co-opted members and chapter presidents....

All TAUS members meet once annually during retreat (sometimes referred to as the general assembly). Each chapter arranges local meetings, which meet more frequently. Chapter meetings are recommended at least once a quarter....

As a national organization, TAUS is organized in regions – which largely coincide with the US Census regions. The TAUS regions are known as chapters, which were formed to better serve its members and effectively implement projects. Currently, TAUS has seven active chapters including: Midwest, New England, South Atlantic, West-South-Central, Mid-Atlantic, Pacific and West-North-Central. Contact the...

No. TAUS is not a church. It's a ministry of people of same faith (Adventists). While affiliated to a church, TAUS is an independent, non-profit organization....