Donating to TAUS, Inc. with PayPal is simple using our custom web link. You can donate using funds from your PayPal account, or donate using your credit card, debit card, or bank account.
Visit or click the button below to make your donation now.
Donating to TAUS, Inc. with Zelle is quick and easy! You can download the Zelle app for free on your Android or Apple device.
Donating to TAUS, Inc. using GoFundMe is incredible easy to do! You can download the GoFundMe app to your Android or Apple device or you can visit the GoFundMe website in your web browser.
Visit or search for “TAUS Inc” in the GoFundMe search box!
You may also mail a donation directly to TAUS, Inc. at the address provided below.
TAUS, Inc.
PO Box 2583
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and go to support the important work we are doing in evangelism, education and health.