
About TAUS, Inc.

TAUS’s mission is to evangelize and provide health, education and other services that improve the quality of life of people in Tanzania.

Established in 1999, the Tanzanian Adventists in the United States of America (TAUS) is an organization of Seventh day Adventists from Tanzania, East Africa.


TAUS is a 501(c) nonprofit organization that welcomes associate members from any country in the world and of any spiritual belief that share TAUS’s mission. Currently TAUS has over 300 members living all over the United States, a strong growth from its 25 founding members. Its headquarters is in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.


Tanzania Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church is divided into two administrative regions (or unions) – Northern Tanzania Union Conference (NTUC) and Southern Tanzania Union Conference (STUC). Although STUC population is about 50%, of total population in Tanzania, its SDA church membership is only 25% of total church membership in the country. Thus, TAUS has largely concentrated its efforts in the STUC – where poverty is also highest.

TAUS, Inc. Institutional Structure

TAUS has national and Chapter level officers and serve under a three-tier structure:

  1. President
  2. National level leaders – including Chapter Presidents
  3. Chapter Secretary and Treasurer – who are answerable to chapter president.


The President and second-tier leaders are elected by the TAUS general assembly and they serve for a two-year term. The president is the head of the institution and serves as its national representative to all national and international engagements. The president supervises implementation of TAUS’ vision and guides all activities in accordance with the rules and regulations set in its Constitution. Tier two of TAUS’s organogram consists of the national secretary, treasurer and directors of eight departments: Namely, Chaplaincy, Projects, Communication, Social Affairs, Children, Youth and Young Adults, Resource Mobilization and Donor Affairs and Music. Leaders who serve in the third tier are Chapter Secretary and Treasurer. Both leaders are answerable to the Chapter President.

TAUS Inc. Organogram

(Click to Enlarge)

TAUS Inc. Chapter Presidents

TAUS has nine chapters, which are divided according to the US Census Divisions. However, two chapters – Mountain and East South Central – have a lack of members in order to form a functional Chapter.


Accordingly, the small chapters have been attached to their nearest functional chapters. Specifically, the East South Central Chapter is attached to South Atlantic Chapter and Mountain Chapter is still pending attachment to another chapter.


The map shows the chapter presidents for the year 2021-23. The map legend shows the contact information of the TAUS presidents.

TAUS Inc. Chapter Presidents Map

(Click to Enlarge)

TAUS Inc. Chapter Presidents Legend

(Click to Enlarge)

Ongoing & Future Projects

Scholarships for Pastors

On average, every ordained pastor in Tanzania serves 12 churches and about 2,000 baptized members. Pastors travel long distances because 70% of the churches are in rural areas.


TAUS is currently supporting ten undergraduate theology students. The tuition cost for one student for a three year degree program is approximately US$3,000. Click here for more information.

Morning Star Radio

Radio is the most important source of public information in Tanzania. TAUS is fundraising to support Morning Star radio in Tanzania which will be used for evangelism, health education and other programs.


Your support for this important program is much appreciated.

Supporting Health Services

Southern Tanzania has the highest poverty rate and poorest health services in the country. TAUS is fundraising to support provision of health services in Southern Tanzania.


In addition, TAUS also plans to provide health education through the radio and other outlets.

Completed Projects

Church Construction

Completing two church construction projects for in the area of Tanzania, East Africa.

Evangelistic Efforts

Supporting five evangelistic efforts in the un-reached areas in Southern Tanzania.


Providing scholarships to 10 undergraduate students in Adventist colleges.

A Message from The President of TAUS, Inc.

Isaiah 6:8 “Here am I, send me.”

To our members, associates, friends, sponsors and well-wishers- welcome to the TAUS Inc. website. From our inception, the Tanzania Adventists in the United States (TAUS Inc.) has always prioritized its two goals. Firstly, strengthening TAUS members’ spiritual growth and facilitating their social and mutual support. Secondly, TAUS aims to spread the gospel, support provision of health service and education to the needy.


These goals rhymes well with our motto – which comes from Isaiah 6:8 “Here am I, send me”. As Jesus our savior showed us, we are commissioned to evangelize and help our neighbors. Through teaching, Jesus showed how important education is. At TAUS, we heed his call through our scholarship programs to the talented but needy students. Our master also healed the sick and fed the hungry. We follow His example by funding medical centers in t less privileged areas. He preached the good news of salvation, and we do our part as well spreading his gospel to all.


As Jesus counseled his disciples to start with Jerusalem, we’ve chosen to start with our homeland- Tanzania.


As you browse this website, I count it an honor and privilege to invite you to join us.


– President Shukrani Magoma

Download Our Brochure

Download our PDF brochure to learn more about TAUS, our mission, our projects, and how you can help.